Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Fluorine and phosphorus heteronuclear coupling

The most commonly encountered coupling in NMR spectra is due to 1H, but other nuclei can induce splitting of signals as well. The previous post discussed how coupling to 13C at natural abundance produces the small 13C satellite peaks. The other heteronuclear couplings that are most likely to be observed are due to 19F and 31P. Examples of these in 1D 1H and  13C spectra are shown below.

Trimethyl phosphate has three magnetically-equivalent methoxy groups attached to a central phosphate atom. The 1D 1H spectrum taken in D2O (shown below) shows what at first looks like a singlet, as might be expected if considering just the hydrogens. However, closer examination shows that the peak is a doublet with a coupling of 13.3 Hz, due to the 3JHP coupling.

The 1D 13C spectrum (shown below) shows a similar situation. At first glance the spectrum appears to consist of a single peak, as one might expect considering only the magnetically-equivalent methoxy carbons. However, the peak shows a splitting of 6.0 Hz, which can be assigned to the 2JCP coupling.

The compound p-fluorobenzoic acid contains a single fluorine atom attached to an aromatic ring. Its 1D 1H spectrum acquired in D2O (shown below) shows the expected two aromatic resonances, but the couplings of these peaks are complicated by the presence of the fluorine atom. The downfield peak at 7.88 ppm appears as a doublet of doublets with couplings of 5.6 and 8.8 Hz. The 8.8 Hz splitting is likely a three bond coupling to the neighbouring 1H, but the 5.6 Hz coupling is too large for a four bond coupling to the symmetry related 1H, and must be due to the 19F.

The upfield resonance at 7.16 ppm appears as a triplet with a coupling of 8.9 Hz. This matches the larger coupling on the downfield resonance, consistent with 3JHH coupling to the neighbouring aromatic 1H. The second coupling of 8.9 Hz, again, is unlikely to be a long range coupling to the symmetry related 1H and must be a 3JHF coupling from the fluorine. Since the upfield peak shows a larger 19F coupling than the other, the 7.16 ppm peak is likely due to the hydrogens ortho to the 19F and the 7.88 ppm peak to the meta hydrogens.

Turning to the 1D 13C spectrum of p-fluorobenzoic acid (shown below) we see six peaks, when there are only five magnetically distinct carbons in the molecule. The two largest peaks can be assigned to the symmetrical protonated carbons. The expansions show that both of these peaks are in fact doublets. The more upfield of these two peaks at 117.7 ppm has the larger coupling (21.9 Hz), suggesting this peak is from the carbons ortho to the fluorine, while the peak at 134.0 ppm with the 9.1 Hz coupling is from the carbons meta to the fluorine.

The remaining peaks must all be due to quaternary carbons. The small peak at 135.1 ppm shows a coupling of 2.8 Hz, likely a fluorine coupling, and the small magnitude suggests this carbon is further from the fluorine than the four protonated carbons. Assigning this peak to the carbon para to the fluorine, leaves three peaks, all singlets, to assign to two quaternary carbons. The peak at 177.5 ppm is typical for a carboxylic acid, thus the last two peaks at 168.2 and 166.2 ppm must be a doublet from the fluorinated carbon, with a 1JCF of 248 Hz.

Heteronuclei such as 19F and 31P can produce confusing spectra if one is not familiar with their effects. The large size of these couplings, compared to 1H coupling, needs to be kept in mind. Unlike any other elements, the NMR active isotopes of fluorine and phosphorous are 100% abundant and have spin ½, making them easy to detect by NMR. After 1H, 13C and 15N, these two nuclei are the ones most likely to be encountered by organic chemists.

Spectra were obtained from the BioMagResBank entries bmse000774 for trimethyl phosphate and bmse00739 for p-fluorobenzoic acid.

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