Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Altmetrics and citations

Publications arising from work at the SSPPS NMR Facility are tracked on the Facility's Publications webpage. Along with breakdowns of the list by year, lab and journal, this page also reports the Altmetric score for each publication. This is a measure of the attention the article has received, predominantly on social media. To see how the Altmetric score compares with citations I prepared a few graphs.

The Altmetric score is calculated from the number of times an article is mentioned in traditional media, on blogs, on Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and various other sources. The score is provided by a company called Digital Science. For citations I turned to Web of Science and used their core database citation count. Of the 218 papers on the Facility publication list, 207 were indexed in Web of Science, and 155 had Altmetric scores. The graph below shows Altmetric scores plotted against year with three of the higher scoring papers labelled. As might be expected, more recent papers tend to have higher Altmetric scores as social media is increasingly used to promote publications. The Jang et al 2013 paper is unusual it that it was mentioned by news organisations more than social media.

The graph of citations versus publication year appears below and shows a different trend, the more recent papers have less citations. Again, this is to be expected as it takes time for a paper to accumulate citations. To show the data more clearly this graph excludes two papers with very high citation counts, Wang et al 2014 with 2,237 citations, and Yamanaka et al 2014 with 318. Three of the more highly cited papers are identified and none of these, or the two that were excluded, include the three with high Altmetric scores labelled on the first graph.

Finally, the graph of Altmetric score against citations is shown below with selected papers labelled. The straight line shows an attempt to fit the points to a linear correlation (R2=0.095), which is obviously not there. The inset shows an expansion of the lower left corner of the graph.

Digital Science developed the Altmetric score to measure the early impact of a publication as citation counts may take years to reflect a paper's impact. These graphs suggest that it does report on something different from citation counts and that the Altmetric score really is an alternative metric.


1. Hughes CC, MacMillan JB, Gaudêncio SP, Jensen PR, Fenical W
The ammosamides: structures of cell cycle modulators from a marine-derived Streptomyces species.
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2009;48(4):725-7

2. Pereira AR, Kale AJ, Fenley AT, Byrum T, Debonsi HM, Gilson MK, Valeriote FA, Moore BS, Gerwick WH
The carmaphycins: new proteasome inhibitors exhibiting an α,β-epoxyketone warhead from a marine cyanobacterium.
Chembiochem. 2012 Apr 16;13(6):810-7

3. Moree WJ, Phelan VV, Wu CH, Bandeira N, Cornett DS, Duggan BM, Dorrestein PC.
Interkingdom metabolic transformations captured by microbial imaging mass spectrometry.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Aug 21;109(34):13811-6

4. Jang KH, Nam SJ, Locke JB, Kauffman CA, Beatty DS, Paul LA, Fenical W.
Anthracimycin, a potent anthrax antibiotic from a marine-derived actinomycete.
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2013 Jul 22;52(30):7822-4

5. Nguyen DD, Wu CH, Moree WJ, Lamsa A, Medema MH, Zhao X, Gavilan RG, Aparicio M, Atencio L, Jackson C, Ballesteros J, Sanchez J, Watrous JD, Phelan VV, van de Wiel C, Kersten RD, Mehnaz S, De Mot R, Shank EA, Charusanti P, Nagarajan H, Duggan BM, Moore BS, Bandeira N, Palsson BØ, Pogliano K, Gutiérrez M, Dorrestein PC
MS/MS networking guided analysis of molecule and gene cluster families.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jul 9;110(28):E2611-20

6. Agarwal V, El Gamal AA, Yamanaka K, Poth D, Kersten RD, Schorn M, Allen EE, Moore BS
Biosynthesis of polybrominated aromatic organic compounds by marine bacteria.
Nat Chem Biol. 2014 Aug;10(8):640-7

7. Yamanaka K, Reynolds KA, Kersten RD, Ryan KS, Gonzalez DJ, Nizet V, Dorrestein PC, Moore BS
Direct cloning and refactoring of a silent lipopeptide biosynthetic gene cluster yields the antibiotic taromycin A.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Feb 4; 111(5), pp 1957-62

8. Wang M, Carver JJ, Phelan VV, Sanchez LM, Garg N, Peng Y, Nguyen DD, Watrous J, Kapono CA, Luzzatto-Knaan T, Porto C, Bouslimani A, Melnik AV, Meehan MJ, Liu WT, Crüsemann M, Boudreau PD, Esquenazi E, Sandoval-Calderón M, Kersten RD, Pace LA, Quinn RA, Duncan KR, Hsu CC, Floros DJ, Gavilan RG, Kleigrewe K, Northen T, Dutton RJ, Parrot D, Carlson EE, Aigle B, Michelsen CF, Jelsbak L, Sohlenkamp C, Pevzner P, Edlund A, McLean J, Piel J, Murphy BT, Gerwick L, Liaw CC, Yang YL, Humpf HU, Maansson M, Keyzers RA, Sims AC, Johnson AR, Sidebottom AM, Sedio BE, Klitgaard A, Larson CB, Boya P CA, Torres-Mendoza D, Gonzalez DJ, Silva DB, Marques LM, Demarque DP, Pociute E, O'Neill EC, Briand E, Helfrich EJ, Granatosky EA, Glukhov E, Ryffel F, Houson H, Mohimani H, Kharbush JJ, Zeng Y, Vorholt JA, Kurita KL, Charusanti P, McPhail KL, Nielsen KF, Vuong L, Elfeki M, Traxler MF, Engene N, Koyama N, Vining OB, Baric R, Silva RR, Mascuch SJ, Tomasi S, Jenkins S, Macherla V, Hoffman T, Agarwal V, Williams PG, Dai J, Neupane R, Gurr J, Rodríguez AM, Lamsa A, Zhang C, Dorrestein K, Duggan BM, Almaliti J, Allard PM, Phapale P, Nothias LF, Alexandrov T, Litaudon M, Wolfender JL, Kyle JE, Metz TO, Peryea T, Nguyen DT, VanLeer D, Shinn P, Jadhav A, Müller R, Waters KM, Shi W, Liu X, Zhang L, Knight R, Jensen PR, Palsson BØ, Pogliano K, Linington RG, Gutiérrez M, Lopes NP, Gerwick WH, Moore BS, Dorrestein PC, Bandeira N
Sharing and community curation of mass spectrometry data with Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking.
Nat Biotechnol. 2016 Aug 9;34(8):828-837

9. Nguyen DD, Melnik AV, Koyama N, Lu X, Schorn M, Fang J, Aguinaldo K, Lincecum TL Jr, Ghequire MG, Carrion VJ, Cheng TL, Duggan BM, Malone JG, Mauchline TH, Sanchez LM, Kilpatrick AM, Raaijmakers JM, Mot R, Moore BS, Medema MH, Dorrestein PC
Indexing the Pseudomonas specialized metabolome enabled the discovery of poaeamide B and the bananamides.
Nat Microbiol. 2016 Oct 31;2:16197

10. Brunson JK, McKinnie SMK, Chekan JR, McCrow JP, Miles ZD, Bertrand EM, Bielinski VA, Luhavaya H, Oborník M, Smith GJ, Hutchins DA, Allen AE, Moore BS
Biosynthesis of the neurotoxin domoic acid in a bloom-forming diatom.
Science. 2018 Sep 28;361(6409):1356-1358

11. Wirth DM, Jaquez A, Gandarilla S, Hochberg JD, Church DC, Pokorski JK
Highly Expandable Foam for Lithographic 3D Printing.
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2020 Apr 22;12(16):19033-19043

12. Reher R, Kim HW, Zhang C, Mao HH, Wang M, Nothias LF, Caraballo-Rodriguez AM, Glukhov E, Teke B, Leao T, Alexander KL, Duggan BM, Van Everbroeck EL, Dorrestein PC, Cottrell GW, Gerwick WH
A Convolutional Neural Network-Based Approach for the Rapid Annotation of Molecularly Diverse Natural Products.
J Am Chem Soc. 2020 Mar 4;142(9):4114-4120

13. Liang Z, Soriano-Castell D, Kepchia D, Duggan BM, Currais A, Schubert D, Maher P
Cannabinol inhibits oxytosis/ferroptosis by directly targeting mitochondria independently of cannabinoid receptors.
Free Radic Biol Med. 2022 Feb 20;180:33-51

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